# asanetargoss' Blog

About the blog This blog is a pretty random selection of articles related to Minecraft. I don't update this blog often. For more up-to-date news on one of my projects, visit [the project's thread on the Minecraft Forum](https://www.minecraftforum.net/members/asanetargoss/threads).
How this blog was created This blog is just HTML, CSS, and javascript. There is no build system (at least not yet), so I have to update everything manually. However, updating is pretty easy because I can just type markdown directly into the HTML file (with a few exceptions like this spoiler tag). You can relatively easily create a website like this by copying the following files (the relative directory structure matters): - [index.html](./index.html) - [3rdparty/markdeep/markdeep_apidoc.css](./3rdparty/markdeep/markdeep_apidoc.css) - [3rdparty/markdeep/markdeep.min.js](./3rdparty/markdeep/markdeep.min.js) This blog uses [Markdeep](https://casual-effects.com/markdeep/) to convert the markdown inside of the file into HTML that your web browser can display. I have also made the following notable changes: - Restored underlines to links - Added a fallback mechanism which causes the markdown section to be displayed as plaintext on incompatible/no-script browsers, with the downside that you will briefly see the unformatted markdown while the script is loading (I may fix this at some point).
## 2024 2024-05-01 - [My Name](./2024_my_name.md.html) 2024-01-04 - [0.8.2 Hardcore Alchemy security hotfix](./2024_0.8.2_hca_hotfix.md.html) ## 2023 2023-02-11 - [Introducing: Modrinth! And a peek at 0.8](./2023_modrinth_platform.md.html) ## 2022 2022-06-18 - [Feed the Beast launcher is dead. Long live MultiMC!](./2022_ftb_launcher_2.md.html) 2022-05-20 - [Exploring Feed the Beast launcher compatibility for the Hardcore Alchemy modpack](./2022_ftb_launcher.md.html) 2022-01-07 - [How to protect your Minecraft client or server from the log4j exploit (aka CVE-2021-44228 or Log4Shell)](./log4j.md.html) ## 2021 2021-11-04 - [How to use almost any Forge mod as a dependency](./compat.md.html) ## 2020 2020-01-02 - [Hardcore Alchemy: Magic With Consequences: Poll results for the planned 0.5 release](./hca_poll_0.5_results.md.html) 2020-01-01 - [Dealing with classloading during mod development](./mc_classloading_primer.md.html) ## 2019 2019-12-28 - [Reflection/Coremodding PSA from a frustrated add-on developer](./coremod_reflection_PSA.md.html)
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🪶 2024-05-01